COME OVER seeks to glorify God by Expanding His Kingdom on earth. We believe that this is our mission . . . and your mission.
Compelled to REVIVE THE FIRE of this mission, we journey into some of the world’s nations to spread the AROMA OF CHRIST telling of Jesus Christ and His redeeming grace.
To maximize our impact for the Kingdom, COME OVER focuses on Three foundational strategies within its mission:
Planting New churches
Equipping the Saints
Expanding His Kingdom on Earth.
COME OVER function as a catalytic agent, helping to church planters , pastors and missionaries to establishes new churches with the purpose of engaging unreached people groups and specially in areas with limited access to the gospel.
Our efforts are focused to serve God thru alliances because we do BETTER TOGETHER . Our motto has been for years an African proverb: “ If you want to Go fast, go alone; if you want to Go Far, go with others.” Come Over want to go far with the Aroma of Christ.
As a catalytic agent, our strategy is to partner with local church planters for several reasons.
Cost Effective, producing more funds going to the field.
Relationship and connection with communities are easier
Language and communication is easier
Ownership and responsibility
Strength and encouragement to the body of Christ
Each field has a distinct approach because it has unique needs. However, each initiative begins by engaging local believers and establishing strategic partnerships that further the gospel. As soon as we establish an alliance or partnership, we try to identify which areas we can COME OVER and HELP. Sometimes, we identify that we need to invest time in encouraging and equipping the leadership. In other occasion, they are in need of a new facility, or renew an existing one, in each case we work according to their needs and following the Holy Spirit direction for that country or community.
In our 10 years in ministry, we have noticed that the most needed help that the church planters need is encouragement and that the vast majority ignore their strengths, spiritual gifts, personality, what are their passion and how to use their experiences in life to serve God in a productive and effective way.
We strongly believe that a spiritual healthy and encouraged pastor, produce a healthy church. An a healthy church, will reproduce in other healthy churches. All over the world, we are equipping mature local leaders to adequately lead and multiply this type of Christ-centered and healthy church.
COME OVER ‘s mission is focused in EQUIPPING the SAINTS. Ephesians 4:11-12 And he gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the shepherds[a] and teachers,[b] 12 to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ,
At the end, our main purpose, mission and vision is to COME OVER to places and HELP them. If we do that effectively, we will see the Kingdom of God expanding and His glory filling the earth as the water cover the sea. Habakuk 2:14
And we don’t want to get any glory, or the churches that reproduces in other new churches, because only God, deserve it.
Our vision by 2019, is to see vibrant, alive, impacting and healthy ministries in 40 countries around the world, a network of 400 pastors and church planters equipped and 40,000 believers having discovered God’s design and purpose for their lives.